I’m Surrounded By Nuts!

Who Reads This Stuff?
January 23, 2009, 9:45 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , ,

I’ve been blogging for a few months now. It’s working, it’s very therapeutic and that was the intention. But what I enjoy most about my wordpress blog is that they have a lot of information behind the scenes for the person who administers the blog. There are lots of tools to change the look of the site, settings to add content, and of course I could have a plethora of pages if needed. The best back stage feature however is the blog stats page.

On a daily basis I can go into the stats and find out how many people viewed my site, where they came from, what search terms they used that got them to my blog, etc. So far there have been 36 postings with 193 tags to draw people to read the posts, and there have been 24 comments made on my various posts. For whatever reason the busiest day for traffic was December 1, 2008, I think that it had something to do with the OSU vs. UO Civil War game but I’m not sure since the tag lines that brought people to the site were all over the place!

The reason I’m sharing this with you, my loyal readers, is that I had to alert you to the fact that there has been one outstanding word that has attracted readers to my blog and has me asking “Who reads this stuff? Are they surprised by what they read when they get here and are they horribly disappointed?” I can only hypothesize that the same person is not using this one word to get to my blog which leads me to be a little more concerned with our society then I used to be. Here’s the word: Panty.

That’s right; almost daily I can see that someone has typed in the search word panty and is directed to my blog. I know that our society is a bit perverted but PANTY? Geez, I write one little post about Victoria’s Secret underwear giving women rashes and now people searching the web using the word panty are directed to my blog! Whatever floats your boat. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised though, when I originally told BroRy about my blog and the name that I had chosen for it the first thought that came to his mind was that this was some sort of strangely named porn site! Maybe I should change the name to I’m Surrounded by Perverts!!

**As a side note, after I finished the above post I used my spell checker to repair any misspellings. The funny thing is that it doesn’t recognize the word panty!**

The Victoria’s Secret Travesty!
November 11, 2008, 10:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

I am missing a golden opportunity and yet somehow I cannot seem to grasp the idea that taking advantage of it would be okay.

I was just listening to GMA (Good Morning America), as I do most mornings while getting ready for work. I like to keep it on as background noise while I’m doing my make-up. Anyway, here comes a story about a woman who is suing Victoria’s Secret because she acquired a rash from one of their bras. Did you hear that??She is SUING because she got a rash……a curable rash……something that could be remedied with a topical medication administered by a dermatologist…….and she’s suing Victoria’s Secret over this. And here’s the kicker, there are others out there ready to join her in a class action lawsuit.

As a matter of record, an independent lab did a study of the bra, only to find out that it contained formaldehyde. I know that sounds nasty but there are quite a few products that people use every day that contain this substance. I’m pretty sure that we are slowly doing a morticians job for them. When we die their work is almost complete! Gross but true. There are a lot of people that are allergic to formaldehyde. Here’s the solution, don’t wear the bras!

What am I missing? If you get a rash, don’t use it, eat it, wear it or even look at it!

Right after I had my daughter strange chemical reactions were occurring in my body. My hair turned dark brown for one and I developed a rash, in a strange place! I developed a rash around my panty-line…..very weird! I went to my dermatologist and discovered that I had an allergy to elastic. The remedy (in addition to some cortisone cream) was to switch undies. So, I went from a panty that had exposed elastic to one that had the elastic waste band covered with cotton. The thought NEVER occurred to me that I should sue the company that had the exposed elastic waste band…..after all, it was their fault, right?

Wrong. And the lawsuit being brought against Victoria’s Secret is wrong too. After all, this is a company that has spared so many women the pain of breast implants, has boosted self esteem, and has probably made a bigger impact on men than viagra! How dare these women even consider suing Victoria’s Secret over a highly curable condition!!

But you know how this will end. The women who brought the suit will prevail. They may receive as much as millions of dollars or as little as a lifetime supply of bras and panties. Either way, it’s wrong and I for one am not going to take it lying down! In protest of these women I am going to the mall today and visiting my favorite store, Victoria’s Secret…..and I suggest you do the same!